ass-lazy tropicana of the mind
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Bad weather, hoodoo that you do, and bad porn

Boy, I'm glad I walked home yesterday instead of today. Because, today, the weather was terrible.

And I'm really getting tired of bad weather. I'm sick of it being cold, I'm sick of rain, I'm sick of wind, I'm just sick of bad weather.

Wait, no, I'm not sick of rain. I love rain. I love walking in it and seeing it fall and I just generally really like rain.

It's just how stupid people get in it. I hate umbrellas with a passion because once you have an umbrella, it's like the rest of the world doesn't exist and you deserve a huge swath of sidewalk because, look, your umbrella is the biggest and the most important.

I hate umbrellas. I hate how my eyes nearly get poked out by them, I hate the twenty minutes it takes people to close them while they're trying to get on the bus (while I'm still standing out in the rain behind them), and I just hate them. Hate hate hate hate hate.

And people use them at the stupidest times! It's drizzling! Oh, I better get my umbrella out! There's a single drop of rain! Umbrella!

If it's sheets and sheets of water, then, okay, umbrella. Obviously. When I was living in New Orleans, for one week during the summer, it rained every day right around 1 pm. And not just rain, but poured. Drenching you to the skin. And if you have an umbrella then, that's just common sense.

But a bit of drizzle? The hell? You're just annoying everyone else!


Yeah, there's my venting for the day. Vent Vent Vent.

Still reading Theo's Odyssey. It's getting a bit better, but I'm still a bit annoyed with its style. Getting into Coptic Christianity helped, as did flipping to the back and seeing the index and discovering that there would be a pile of stuff on candombl� later on.

When the African diaspora occurred, the African religions eventually blended and slipped around to form a few things. In English Caribbean colonies, it was Obeah and Shango Baptist. In French colonies, it was Voodoo. In Cuba, it was Santeria. In the US, it disintegrated into hoodoo. And in Brazil, it became Candombl�. All have a lot of the same elements, but they also all have very individual and amazing elements.

I haven't done as much study on candombl� as I have on voodoo. I've read a bit on santeria and a few things on obeah/shango baptist, but the only thing I've ever seen of candombl� was a movie in my cultural anthropology 101 class. Which was cool, but hardly anything serious.

Need to read more. Can not get devoted only on Haitian voodoo. Maybe I'll discover that I would be better off with obeah or santeria -- heck, spanish is easier to learn than creole for me any day.

And it's funny that I'm talking about this because right now on Channel 5 is this low-budget horror porn movie called Damien's Seed. Ooooh, spooky!

(Yeah, it's only the porn that's actually scary in this movie. *shudder*)


My foot's asleep. I should get to bed. But I remembered to write in this today.

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