ass-lazy tropicana of the mind
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Somewhat productive. But not.

"Oz didn't make you a were born one."

I'm having a good TV day again. Having today off again and avoiding all World Cup/Jubilee TV. Watched a bunch of Angel, because, well, we're spoiling ourselves with the DVDs, then there was Spooks (which is groovy enough as it is because, well, MI5!) with Anthony Stewart Head on it, and now it's OZ, which always makes me happy.

Because I'm five.

And I adore Father Ray. His oh-so-cute hoodie over his shirt and collar! He's so adorable!

And Adebisi's my personal favorite big motherfucker. He's the vicious angry forever fabulous man with the huge muscles and bigger dick and raaaawwww...

The loa caught a hold of him while he was flying. Two sniffs of quality horse and he became the horse, forgetting all that he was and all that he is and he screams and twists, cursing at Said in the languages of his ancestors.

"Tell my horse he has done wrong! Tell my horse that he must spill the wine and blood for me! Tell my horse that it does not matter where he is -- he spills blood for entertainment and never for me! Tell him!"


So aside from enjoying television, I also did laundry -- so I was productive, thank you very much.

Still have to deal with my urge to tumble-dry everything when I know I should line-dry it, but I think that's just years of standard American laziness creeping in.

Also dyed blue streaks in my hair and starting working on a t-shirt for the con this weekend, but aside from that, the laundry was the biggest thing I did today.

But, dude, three loads. Always impressive.

And, man, I don't want to go to work tomorrow. It feels strange, because I'll be at work for only two days, then gone again, but gotta do work and gotta do things and man, I will be bored to tears, I know it.

And if I wake up at 5 am again, I will end up screaming. I know it.

Bloody sun.

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