ass-lazy tropicana of the mind
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The end...for now.
Yeah, um, I've pretty much given up on this.
I'm just not in the place where I can, y'know, spend a lot of time wading in self-introspection. I'm trying to focus attention away from me and more towards...things. Shiny pretty things.
So that's why I'm mostly on Livejournal. Because it's more suited to the short random entries.
It was nice here. It almost lasted two years.
visit other places: / livejournal / wish list
joined: diary reg / diary crit / diary review / tiki reviews / gblog / little queer / hit or miss / mac-made / btjs:cordy
designed february 2002 by kate bolin, design. space provided by diaryland. looks best in ie5+ on a macintosh, but that's unsurprising, isn't it?