ass-lazy tropicana of the mind
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I'm like Xander. In that I hate Spike.

I discovered that I can read comic books while on the bus without getting nauseous.

Which means that I'm going to be going through a lot of comic books from now on. I started with my re-reading of Apocalipstick, and I think I'm going to have to re-read all the rest of The Invisibles series.

You see, much like Xander, I get carsick in large boxy vehicles. It's another way we're alike. Stick me in a Winnebago and I'll probably sit there lookin' green too.

In our matching Hawaiian shirts, floppy dork hair, and collectable Babylon 5 plates.

Oh yeaaah...

I found out today that I got a tie fourth-place in a slash art challenge. I thought the picture was rather good, but, y'know, no Spike.

So it's obvious that now I need to write fic where every other word is "Spike," make pictures where Spike's head is there for no reason, and design all my websites with Spike in mind -- even the ones that focus on femslash. Because, apparently, you don't get noticed if you don't have that peroxided sucked-in-cheeked wannabe Cockney wonder. Oh yeaaah...

Fuck, I'm so tired of Spike. I am. He was interesting in second season, his plot line is interesting this year, but if I have to read another goddamned motherfucking stupid fic with him in it...if I have to see another site or clique or just general item with him on it...if I have to hear another person say "I really don't like Buffy, but I sure do like Spike..."

Fucking hell people! He's a second-rate character played by a third-rate actor! He's not going to do anything after this show except for shit conventions and the occasional used car commercial!

He's not even William Shatner or Leonard Nimoy! He'll be lucky to be Denise Crosby!

Sorry, sorry, venting a little. Please continue with your Spike worship. No, really, go on.


No, sorry, okay, I'm good. I'm calm. Continue on your way.


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