ass-lazy tropicana of the mind
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" dedicated to all the stupid people like me!"

What's with all the intellectualizing?

I mean, seriously. I feel like I can't walk two feet without someone trying to justify themselves using big words and bigger theories.

"I didn't like this story because I felt that the characterization reminded me of post-feminist male-accentuated beliefs. And I don't think I can see the character of JoJo the Dog-Faced Boy in that fashion. He's obviously a proto-feminist ideal."

Blah blah blah blah...when it did stop being fun for y'all? When did you wake up and go "Damn, this whole fandom thing could be considered a socio-political revolution. I better put on my thinking hat and come up with some elaborate phrases to make me look interesting and intellectual so everyone thinks we're not psychotic at all!"

When did you spend more time talking about the meta of the meta and less actually writing the goddamned stories?

Welcome to the future, kids, where we're out and proud as fanfiction writers, but you know what? It's just another goddamned kink. You're not special, you're not different, you're in the same damn world as the sadomasochists and the furries, the rubberfans and the "girls who smoke" people. You're another one of those weirdos on the internet and there ain't no escapin' that label.

So why are you spending all your time trying to prove yourself to be something you're not?

You're a freak who gets off on stories about fictional characters (or real people, if you're lucky) having sex. Sometimes having gay sex. Sometimes having kinky sex. Sometimes not having sex at all, just having a conversation or maybe an adventure.

And, yep, you're a sad bastard who will never amount to anything in the world.

And if that's what people want to believe about you....does it really fucking matter? Does spending hours talking Deep Intellectual Conversations really make a difference? You're still going home at night and fantasizing about how Angel would take cock.

Yo, people, you're a fan. All of you. And you're not in this for the edification of society, you're in this because it's fucking fun.

So have some. Stop your bitching and your moaning and your comments about the "objectivity" and "relativity" and what-fucking-ever you've been going on about. Because you can't be having fun.

When The Man comes to you and asks you what you're doing, then maybe you can spout off with the big words. But, shit, you think anyone else wants to hear it? We're too busy trying to have fun with our lives...

And 'sides, if you stop with the over-intellectualizing, then it doesn't bite you in the ass when you actually get around to posting stories. A lot of good it does you to bitch about characterization and personal political agendas when your story's rife with 'em...

(Oh, and a shiny new monkey to anyone who recognizes where the description for this entry comes from. And a not-so-shiny-but-still-new-monkey to anyone who recognizes where any future quotes in this entry come from)

"You're so pretty when you're faithful to me!"

So I miss Jen. Have I mentioned this? We spent a good hour last night just working through romantic problems and it was really damn good.

And it would've been fucking better if we had been in the same damn room. Sitting somewhere drinking coffee and eating cherry pie. Except then we'd be at the mini Twin Peaks party we had. Where it was too hot to drink coffee but we had plenty of baugettes and cheese instead.

And you gotta respect someone who dresses like Audrey Horne at my wedding. Hells yeah.

But we're slowly slogging away on our BFE (Big-Fucking-Epic), and I actually had a classy and yet funny scene in my head this morning on the bus, which I need to write up and send to her so we can figure out where we'll fit it in.

And then maybe start plotting scene by scene and assigning scenes and going mad 'cause going mad's a major part of it, yeah, but if we get this fucker done, it's gonna be be-a-u-tiful.

"I was talking to preachy-preacher about kissy-kiss..."

I got new shoes on Sunday. I didn't mention this 'cause, y'know, there were movies and stickers to talk about earlier.

They're purple Sketchers. And normally, I'm like "Boo, hiss, namebrands," but these are some comfy-ass shoes. And they're purple, and all the sneakers I saw that were cheap and would fit were usually white, and I'd rather wear extensively hole-y imitation Cons over white sneakers.

But I'm grooving on these babies. Aw yeaaaah...

And I got them just in time, 'cause all my imitation Converses are falling apart. Big freakin' holes and whatnot. Which is a damn shame, 'cause they're one of my last pairs of Payless shoes.

I'll have to get some more when I go back to L.A. "More cheap shoes, please!"

I'm also wearing one of my new Uni-Qlo shirts. Now that's a namebrand I can stick by, baby.

I just wish I had picked up a jacket while I was there. They were �20 and they looked like they were warmer than hell...but I spaced out and no such luck. Damnit.

I could talk someone into going and getting me one, but that's just sad. Ain't no one gonna want to go clothes shopping for me... Especially in a store right next to fucking Harrod's. In December.

It'd be madness.

(Still doesn't mean I'm not going "Damn, I wish I had that coat."

Women's Warmlite Hooded Jacket. Size 16. In black.

Not that I expect anyone to go look. Seriously.)

"Gouge can gouge away...stay all day...if you want to..."

Things to look forward to in the next three months:

Lord Of The Rings for free


My vacation to L.A.


Seeing Jen, Sheila, Ins, and loads more people at said convention.

Yeah, I'm fucking happy. 'Cause life's too fucking short to be such a sad wanker...

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