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Home of the meteorites

Another thing I've realized recently is how happy I would be if all the stupid people disappeared from the town of Nottingham.

Just like that. Boom. No more people standing in front of me at stores, no more people talking loudly about stupid things, no more stupid people spending 10 minutes trying to figure out how to put a shopping cart back.

Just smart, polite people who are mellow and respectful of others.

Is it painfully obvious that I was in town today?

It wasn't all bad. We went to the Chinese supermarket where I was sorely tempted by many items but finally, simply, bought loads of ramen. Mmm...ramen...the proper snack treat.

We also went to Littlewoods, where I got my Velma-tastic sweater (oh the shame of it all) and discovered that the �6.66 shirts were now down to �5, so, of course, I had to get them.

And there's a Subway in town now. Which just makes me do a little dance of American food. 'cept I think they're originally Australian. Anyways, Subway. Foot-long roast beef sandwiches drowning in all sorts of things. That's life.

And it's one of the few places in, I think, the entire country that has free refills on soda. Why hasn't the glory of free refills caught on? Why, God, why?

Went into Virgin (the swell of the stupid people) and found a whole bunch of DVDs in the 3 for �27.99 deal. So we picked up Airplane, The Naked Gun, and Election. Looks like I picked a bad day to give up DVD buying..

Especially since, when we went into Woolworth's to return Gossip (which was just awful...jesus), we found the double-disk of O Brother Where Art Thou and Down From The Mountain for �7.99. Which is just a fucking steal.

So we were giddy. Well, I was giddy. He was the epitome of restraint, which is part of the reason why I love him.

And then tonight I finally saw Smallville.

And Lex does nothing for me.

Nothing. He reminds me far too much of a friend of mine back in L.A., who tends to be wittier and more fun than Lex seems to be. So Lex Luthor is like the bland version of J�f�, and, dude, I'd rather have J�f�.

Clark Kent has too many existential teen moments, but since I've just watched the movie of Superman, he's loads better than that pasty-faced annoyance that was supposed to be "young Clark Kent."

Chloe's hair annoys the ever-loving fuck out of me, although I can't quite figure out why, but it's a minor annoyance. And Lana...

Damn, someone should look into my homecoming queen/head cheerleader fetish, 'cause for someone who went to a school where there was no homecoming or cheerleading squad, I do fancy 'em a bit too much.

So, yeah, now I'm trying to talk myself out of pushing for more Smallville femslash. Watching two episodes where the female characters have no interaction and therefore it is unknown if there is any chemistry does not make for a femslash fandom.

Even if I'm having all sorts of thoughts about Lana bent over her riding saddle and catching her reflection in her wall of trophies...

(down, girl...)

Also did an obscene amount of updating. Well, not really, but it does look that way. I made a resolution to add 10 stories to Laconic every week, and I've started doing that. Of course, this means I'll take over a month to just finish what I have now, so maybe I should rework this.

And I'm slowly wading through the sudden glut on CordySlash, not that I'm minding, terribly, but it's still a lot of work. Especially when people don't follow formatting standards. (Dude, people, blank returns between paragraphs. Is it that hard?)

And I completely redesigned my fanfic site again. I wasn't very happy with the last design, but this one...yeah, this one I could see sitting around for awhile...

Even though it's my first with an actual media theme. The others were very vague and image-less, but this one is image-y and is a reference to Ghost World.

Quality Cafe
Quality Caf�

Even a new name. Impressive, huh?

So, yeah, it's another Saturday night, the husband's asleep snoring peacefully next to me, and I've spent most of it updating sites.

But I love it. Like I wouldn't.

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