ass-lazy tropicana of the mind
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Last minute details.


In approximately 40 minutes, I will be in a taxi. We will be going to the coach station. There, we will get a coach that will take us to the airport, and then from the airport we will take a plane that will take us to Los Angeles for the next two weeks.

I'm all packed, I'm showered, the room is a mess but that's nothing new, and I'm theoretically all ready to go, but I'm still going "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah"...

I tried making a king cake. It ended up burnt on top and doughy in the middle and the frosting didn't gel at all.

I was going to make a femslash 'zine for Escapade, but that didn't go anywhere. I was going to have a long review of Tales Of The Slayer, the short story collection, but my brain is fried beyond belief.

And I was going to start designing an archive for stories about other slayers, but, again, brain-fry.

I spent Wednesday at a beginning flash course. I was amazed at how much it reminded me of Hypercard. I'd expound of the beauty of hypercard, but the problem is that, of course, no one remembers what it is.

My head hurts. I think I have a cold but it might just be because it's cold and dry outside, and it'll be worse on the plane so I'll end up drinking tiny plastic cup after tiny plastic cup of water.

I am dressing extremely sloppy, however. Large sweatshirt, bikini top/sports bra (when you're a big girl, your options are limited as to bras), big jeans, sneakers. I used to dress up when I was on a plane, but I just can't be arsed -- especially when I'll be on the damn plane for 11 hours.

Three books -- The Black Dahlia, Tipping The Velvet, and Cryptonomicon. Another book in there to be a Found Book, but, then again, I'm not sure anyone will want a freakin' Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter novel.

Lots of tapes. An entire bag filled with necessities like face wash and eye gel. Camera. My last clove cigarette.

Fanfiction notebook. Plenty of ideas that need to be written and maybe they finally will. 11 hours can't just be spent sleeping and enjoying the shitty movie.

God, I can't believe I'm going back. I've been spending so much time reading the news and listening to what's going on politically that I don't know if I can sit there and take a lot of the shit that seems to be going down.

Then again, I might just ignore the world and enjoy good Mexican food.

My brother has net access, as near as I can tell, so I will be able to check my mail and probably post in here from time to time. However, my brother could not tell me if his DVD player was region 2 hackable, so he's not getting to watch Battle Royale, which is a damn shame. I will guilt trip him severely.


I should get going.

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