ass-lazy tropicana of the mind
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Vague vacation, redesign, exhaustion

Yeah, I was in the mood for a redesign -- something a bit more bright and shallow.

It needs a bit more work, but I think that it's almost there -- I just need to move some things and it ought to be perfect.

If you like it or not, just let me know.

I'm so very tired right now -- I was up late last night playing Fight Club, and I'm just wiped out. Falling over dead, curled up on the bed bitching about how cold it is, and dozing off every five minutes.

Sleep sleep sleep. Desperately want to sleep but can't just yet. Watching CSI and enjoying the sleazy crime of it all. We play "guess the suspect" and "guess the method" all the time...and now that Channel 5 has Law & Order and CSI back to back, it's allllll bliss and beauty in crime drama.

Yesterday, in my list of DVDs and other fun stuff -- I forgot some of the more amazing things I picked up. We snagged the Babylon 5 DVD of "In The Beginning" and "The Gathering", which, unfortunately, has no features to speak of, but was still a steal, Galaxy Quest, for the hell of it, Wild Things, which is sweet sweet sleaze, and...

Britney Spears. Live in Vegas.

Aw yeaaaaaaah, baby. Pause, zoom, replay. Over and over, sweet thing. Glorious sparkly Britney in her transparent cowboy hat and rhinestone bikini, dissolving into laughter as the water falls down. Mmmmmmm....

Bliss. Oh yeah.

As for reading, aside from the last Preacher graphic novel (which isn't officially mine -- it's my husband's Valentine's present, because that's love, baby, right there),

Well, hell, I might as well come clean, right?


I read the first two Harry Potter novels.

I've been staunchly avoiding the fandom, because, well, eh, not interested, and just closing my eyes and avoiding the entire hysteria, so reading these lead to much mocking by my brother.

And probably mocking by other people. But I do have a save. Because, see...

They weren't particularly exciting.

Like, I enjoyed them, and I'd read the other two, but, damn, maybe it's just me being a bitter old hack, but all the kids in the books desperately wanted a good slap. Annoying little shits the whole lot of them.

So the books aren't great. In fact, I'd set them on the same level as my Jeanette Oake novels that I read -- mindless light-hearted stuff that is enjoyable, but I'm not going to repeatedly re-read.

Finished Jon Ronson's THEM, which I would repeatedly re-read. Because, woo, that was trippy and amusing as hell -- it was classy, entertaining, and all about the wonderful world of extremists.

I love reading about conspiracy theorists. Bilberberg Group, New World Order, I'm right there, baby, grinning away and loving the trip.

I amazes me that people have so little faith in their own power that the world has to be governed by a secret little cabal of men. That everything that happens in the world begins in a little hotel room and doesn't occur just because of the sheer madness and stupidity of the mob.

Please don't take responsibilty for what's happening in your world -- it's all the result of a secret group.

God, I am exhausted.

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