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Vacation discussion #1

Today while waiting for the bus, I was struck by the urge to write Willow/Oz sex scenes.

Just the two of them, a weekend where the parents are off at respective conferences, and, hell, they're both teenagers -- it'd be nothing but sex.

And I don't know why I had the urge to write it, but I did. It hit me, and I think I might. Because, as much as the character of Willow has been abused by fanfiction authors (and script writers -- Ms. Noxon, I am looking pointedly in your general direction), Willow/Oz was one of my first favorite pairings. Hell, I started watching in second season and the concept of this quirky-cool guitarist dude who didn't say much and the strange little geek girl gettin' together...why...that was sheer bliss.

Willow/Oz. Huh.

So I'm over my jet lag. Kinda. I slept well last night. I feel a bit more alive. I'm not falling into as many things.

My vacation was fabulousness. Complete and utter fabulousness. And it'll take me several entries to discuss it all, so I think that, with this one, I'll just mention some of the media whorish things I did.

I saw four movies while over there -- mainly because there was a fucking vicious heat wave going on and we needed to go to places with air conditioning. Which would be movie theaters. Of course.

I finally got to see Brotherhood Of The Wolf, which was pretty. And vacant. And amusing. And pretty much just what I wanted from it -- 'cept I was hoping for a nice and fucky werewolf twist instead of something that could more or less by explained by science. Still enjoyed it greatly.

We also saw Scotland, Pa, which was just a riot. It's a re-telling of Macbeth in 1975 Pennsylvania, with "Mac" McBeth wanting to run the best fast-food joint in all of Pennsylvania... It was a great movie, and it just had me laughing at the wonderful bizarreness of it all. Drive-thrus, rock blocks, gay younger brothers, and a million and one things that I just didn't believe they could do. (Jen? The site says it's playing at the Camino Real in Goleta -- go.)

Caught Lord Of The Rings again, and maybe my brain's going weird, but the Ringwraiths are really fucking loud. I end up putting my fingers in my ears during the Weathertop scene because I can't take the sounds of their screams. Seriously hurts my skull...

And, finally, after Escapade, Sheila, Ins, Angela, Briar, and I went to see the one, the only...Crossroads. Britney Spears' attempt at an acting career.

And it was a camp classic. Oh, god, how I want to be able to go to midnight showings dressing up like one of the girls. I almost wish I still had my beaded Harley Davidson tank top my mother gave me one year because I could so stick a pillow in my shirt and go as Mimi. It just went from schlocky to schlocky-er to "Oh my God, they just did not.."

It absolutely has to be seen to be believed. It wasn't as painfully bad as I had feared, but neither is Britney going to be picking up Oscars anytime soon...

We stocked up on DVDs while we were over there, because, well, hell, $13 = �10, and when there are DVDs under $10...

So we picked up (*deep breath*)... Series 7: The Contenders, a black, black comedy about a reality TV show where people have to kill each other, Ghost Dog, Jim Jarmusch's movie about a New York hitman who follows the way of the samurai, Logan's Run, because it's crap that I love, PeeWee's Big Adventure, because it's one of my favorite movies of all time (deleted scenes! Danny Elfman's commentary!), Army Of Darkness: Director's Cut, because it's Bruce. Campbell., Ghost World, because it's my damn life, Star Trek: The Motion Picture, because it was the special edition chock full of extras, and antitrust, because it's sheer crap, and it was $9.99, and the crap value was a requirement. So bad. So very bad. Will be writing Milo/Teddy now.

And I think we picked up some more. But I can't remember.

We watched my brother's copy of Richard III (the positively gorgeous 30s'-style one with Ian McKellen) and Jurassic Park II: The Lost World, and a couple of ours, but, unfortunately, I didn't get around to showing my brother Series 7 or Ghost Dog, both of which I think he'd like. And his DVD player wasn't region 2 hackable, which makes it good that I didn't bring Battle Royale or The League Of Gentlemen along with me.

And, finally, I did a fair amount of reading -- because, y'know, it's a fucking 10-hour plane ride.

I finally got around to Sarah Waters' Tipping The Velvet, which was just a delight. Victorian lesbians! Vaudeville halls and socialist rallies and bohemian society clubs! It was just wonderful, and I'm definitely reading her other books...

I also waded through Neal Stephenson's Cryptonomicon. Well, "waded" isn't the right word for it, because it's a great read and you enjoy reading's just so bloody big. And, I have to admit, some of the math that's just randomly thrown in threw me for a loop -- it's been awhile since I've done anything remotely resembling theoretical mathematics, so I sort of skimmed through that quickly. I rather liked it, but not as much as The Diamond Age or Snow Crash, both of which had a scientific background I understood a bit better.

Richard Matheson's I Am Legend was a delight, even though I kept on thinking of The Omega Man, the camp-as-anything Charleton Heston movie based on it. It was a fabulous future-vampire story, though, and I adored it, right down to Neville's scientific studies of the vampirism germ... (and, oh man, if you're a Buffy fan...suddenly, the whole "turning to dust" thing makes perfect sense, which just rocks even more...)

Re-read James Ellroy's The Black Dahlia, which was enjoyable, if a bit grimmer than my usual foolish nostalgia for 40s' Los Angeles. I keep on going "No way! There was no way things like this could happen back then" and then, y'know, I slap myself across the head and remember otherwise.

And I picked up Barbara Kingsolver's The Poisonwood Bible, which so many people had raved about. And, I don't know...I just felt like whatever she was trying to say in there, it had been said before and better by other authors. It felt like a weak Alice Walker pastiche with a slight color change...but that's probably just me, who usually doesn't have the patience for most traditional "girls read these" books. (Let's not even get into my Austen and Bronte irritation, please...)

I've started reading (finally) Jon Ronson's THEM: Adventures With Extremists, which is, so far, fab. In the middle of the Ruby Ridge chapter, and will definitely enjoy reading more. Or possibly end up curled up under my blanket convinced that the world is out to get me, but who knows...

Also sort of reading Number9Dream by David Mitchell, which I got because it was cheap and I needed something to bring my order up over �10 so I could use a voucher I had. It's very strange -- this guy keeps on having daydreams about what'll happen and they're interspersed with reality so you never really quite know which is real and which isn't -- but it isn't bad...

And I watched a fair amount of TV, as you do. Saw some Roswell, which lead to my comedic "retro porn" Smallville/Roswell crossover involving Liz, Lana, and a boarding school in the sleaziest of ways that I'm sort of writing, 'cause it's funny. Saw some Angel, which is a whole 'nother entry, 'cause I have to expound on the beauty of Cordelia Chase for awhile. Saw some Adult Swim, and, yep, another entry, because it is now my god. Saw Crossing Over With John Edwards, which, apparently, my dad and my brother are hooked on because it's so crap, and I can see why -- it's just an absolute trainwreck of a show... Saw part of an episode of 24, which, I gather, is easier if you've watched from the beginning, and I haven't. And avoided 99% of the Olympics, while cursing all the time because it made me miss out on Law & Order.

And I obsessively played Age Of Empires: Age Of Kings Conqueror's Edition. Well, not as obsessively as the husband, but I got in a few games and was sorely tempted to steal it from my brother. Sorely.

And, jesus, this is a long entry. Tomorrow, it's either Escapade, theme parks, tv shows, or the all important "stuff I bought and food I ate".

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