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Green thumbs and Elvis recipes

I should not be allowed within 500 feet of any home improvement store.

Especially one with a garden center.

I just shouldn't. It's bad enough that I will occasionally have to walk past farmer's markets with plant vendors on my way to work, and I might pick up a plant one day, but to go into a home improvement store's garden center is just begging for trouble.

How do I know this?

Because I have three plants on the windowsill here at work now.

Oh, it started innocently enough! Walking from one bus stop to another, passing a plant vendor at a farmer's market, seeing the bright and beautiful cyclamens on display -- only �2!

"Go on," my little inner gardener was saying. "You need a plant at work. They're soothing. And they make great terrain."

Yeah, I got it. You know I did.

But it needed a pot, and some soil, so I went to Homebase on my lunch break.

And came back with the pot...and two more plants.

I decided that I needed an aloe vera plant, because I wanted a succulent to remind me of L.A., and all their cacti were rather grungy looking. But an aloe vera is always a good buy. And then I saw that they had chili pepper plants for dead cheap, and the little peppers on it were just going "Buy me! Aren't we adorable?"

Yeah. Three plants. Where once there were none.

But I'm not a crazy plant lady yet -- they don't have names. They'll just sit there and probably die -- I like to think I can take care of them, but I can't...really. Something always happens.

So, yeah. Plants. Me the earth mother.

Next thing you know, I'll be wearing long flowing dresses and growing out my hair.


But I certainly need something soothing and relaxing this week. Aside from the usual work-related aggravation, we're having problems at home when it comes to connecting to certain sites.

No, not those "certain" sites. Really normal basic everyday ones.

Like Yahoo. And Diaryland.

Apparently, our ISP had a fire in one of their data centers, so who knows when I'll be able to write entries from home instead of sneaking them at work.

It could be worse, though. It could always be worse. This could be because they're going bankrupt. And then where would we be?

So, generally, it's just a nuisance. A big annoying thing that I grumble about when I get home. But it ought to be okay soon.


Besides, tonight, I'm going to spend less time online and more time baking. Yesterday in the mail, I got Are You Hungry Tonight: Elvis' Favorite Recipes from an anonymous donor (thank you thank you thank you!) and in it, aside from the goodness that are biscuits, fried chicken, apple pie, gravy, and all that fattening delicious Southern cookin', there's a recipe for spiced nectarine crumble.

Now, I've never seen anything that involves nectarines, so you better believe that I'm going to take my favorite fruit and make some high quality food with it.

If it was good enough for the King, it's more than good enough for me, baby.

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