ass-lazy tropicana of the mind
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Proxy this, you bitches

So they've brought in a new proxy server at work. All browser stuff goes through the proxy server, so that they can keep track of which people are working and which people are slacking. And so they can prevent people from going to certain sites, in an attempt to reduce the porning that must go on in a testosterone-geek world like this workplace.

The problem is, of course, that, as with all site-banning software, it is shit.

There are certain sites of mine that, okay, I understand. UCSL purposefully has a meta keywords tag that is filled with all sorts of porny fun. The Pearl has nudity on it, and I think the meta keywords tag is also rather porny.

But what exactly is wrong with Slashaholics? Or Ficorama? And why can I get to Wax Jism (which, y'know, the url name would be an obvious flag) and Te's site?

And why in the fuck can I get to and but not

So, yeah, I'm not pissed that they have in cyber-sitting software. I'm pissed that it's so stupid.

Part of me just feels like going down to IT with print-outs of pages, going "Excuse me, your new cyber-sitting software is shite, and this is why," laying out page after page of hardcore pornography, but, no, I'm good. I'm quiet.

I'm crabby that I can't go through UCSL and re-read some of my favorites or that I can't look at my own damn fanfiction site (because it's not just the front pages, it's all pages), but I suppose this was bound to happen sooner or later.

However, if they end up banning all of, there will be much pain in the world. I reserve the right to check my fucking email during my lunch break. Thank you.

(Of course, they've banned hotmail. Which means no more QueerCompany newsletters. Oh well...)

But it's not that bad. I'm not getting excited for Christmas, because I don't, but I am looking forward to Secret Slasha finishing up.

I'm halfway through my story, which is good, but I'm so fucking lazy. I'm such a lazy little whore.

See, I have a minimum of work to do, but I will be in at work on Christmas Eve.


Because I want to use Dreamweaver to archive these stories.

I don't know why, except that I'm the laziest bastard known to humanity, and the idea of sitting there and doing 60-odd stories by hand just makes me cringe uncomfortably. So, instead, I will sit there and copy/paste like a motherfucker into Dreamweaver.

Shallow lazy whore, thy name is Kate.

But I have hope. I have hope that the 10-odd stories I have now aren't the only stories I get. I have hope that people will finish their bloody stories and do something nice for someone else this Christmas.

Come on. How fucking difficult is it?

(Of course, I should just shut my mouth, because not only do I have a relatively easy pairing [Cordelia/Faith], I'm only halfway done and it's actually kinda shit. I might rewrite it. So watch me shut my mouth and not tell people to finish theirs.

At least until I finish mine. Once that happens, heads will freakin' roll....)

So one thing about LOTR that I didn't mention, because I was too busy commenting on the gayness (and, dude, even The Big Issue commented upon its gayness. This is obviously a sign of the greater queering of the universe.), but, okay.


It's a language. It's a language that elves (and some men) use in Middle Earth. They use it for everyday discussions as well as massively epic poetry.

So, Liv Tyler. I know you're not exactly the best and the brightest actress out there, but for fuck's sake, do you think you could say your lines as if you were, y'know, speaking them? You made every damn Elvish line sound like you were reciting the freakin' Magna Carta.

I wish Cate Blanchett had spoken some Elvish. I bet she would've done it gloriously, as she does everything gloriously. For she has come down from heaven. I'm even willing to forgive her for Bandits.

Tonight, we're going out to dinner with the yuppie friends. The discussion will more than likely stick to babies. And more babies. And yet more fucking babies.

Maybe I can veer the topic on Lord Of The Rings once or twice, but I can't imagine they want to hear about the obvious "classic British homo" mentality of it. So, instead, it will be "Yes, the movie was great. Oh, yeah, great effects. Yeah, the acting was good too, 'cept for Liv Tyler, but what can you expect? No, it's not my favorite movie of the year, but it was a nice time."

*sigh* I need my own friends. I need queer-talkin', slash-writin', hard-drinkin' people who aren't afraid of saying "Well, the most interesting aspect of the movie was how readily Sam was willing to put on an apron and high heels and be Frodo's little bitch."

Well, maybe not exactly that, but you know what I mean, right?

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