ass-lazy tropicana of the mind
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People are born to be stupid

I finished those Janette Oake novels today. All four, in three days.

They weren't very big, and they weren't very difficult, and they weren't very thoughtful, so it's not surprising.

Once, I read a review of Stephen King that compared his novels to Kool-Whip. You eat a lot of it, and you enjoy it while you're eating it, but afterwards, you just feel like shit.

And I think that's how I feel about Janette Oake. I love 'em while I read 'em, but afterwards, I feel like being violently ill. It's just the whole "Women are such silly sentimental creatures! They all need God, good men, and plenty of babies and they'll survive anything!"

Which, of course, is utter bullshit.

So I'm just like "Aaaaaugh! I spend three days reading these books!" but, at the same time, going "I want more! More more more more more!"

I might even try going into the Christian bookstore, which is a frightening concept. I wonder if I'll burst into flames when I enter.

Aside from that, not much has happened -- not much that I can show you -- work has been beating me like a mule these past few daqys -- getting everything out so that we have something taken care of. Moving me from content to layout has really made my work even busier, but, at the same time, it's fucking sweet.

I. Get. Paid. To. Write. HTML.

Wait, wait, let's go over this again.

I sit at a fantastic computer with Internet access all day -- playing with layout and images -- and I. Get. Paid.

Sweet merciful Christ. I feel like I'm ripping someone off there.

But it has been very tiring. Work, work, work, HTML, HTML, HTML, edit, edit, edit...

And then I get home, and there's more HTML to do.

Oh, joy, oh yay.

See, what's getting me now is that, of course, now that I have a perfectly organized system and particular days that I will be updating particular sites, people decide to post their Big Fucking Epic Series onto a list all in one day.

So when I was thinking "Hey, I'll only update CordySlash every few days because I don't get many fics," it turns out that I have nearly 30 freakin' stories to add to the site.


So there goes my weekend, of course. No time for anything fun, no time for Soul Survivors or Muholland Drive or even seeing Lord of the Rings again, for I must update.

I'm not whining, really. I wish people were more practical when it came to posting, but what can I do? People are born to be stupid.

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