ass-lazy tropicana of the mind
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Such a wuss!

I get to see Star Wars: Attack Of The Clones tomorrow.

I get to see Kylie Minogue in concert on Saturday.

Yeah, I have to admit that life is pretty damn good.


Last night, we watched Ring 2, the sequel to Ring, the ultra-scary Japanese movie about a video tape that carries a terrible curse.

And Ring 2 is a heck of a lot scarier. It makes less sense, so it can be extremely irritating after you've watched it, but while you watch it, it's just freakin' scary.

Hideo Nakata, the director, really knows how to make a fucking great horror movie. In fact, I would say that I'm actually really glad it didn't make sense, because if it did, with that level of horror behind it, I wouldn't've been able to sleep last night.

It was just all the little asides that got me. The way the bust of Sadako's head changed when the camera flash went off. The hair floating up from the coffin. The fizz and crackle of a blank videotape suddenly jolting into an image of the well and these white hands coming out of it....

Augh. Still scared. Lucky I didn't have nightmares last night.

And, weirdly, I am looking forward to the US remake of it. Well, they managed to have a really good flash trailer for it, so my hopes are at an all-time high (although you need Flash 6 for it, and Flash 6 has the amazing ability to crash macintoshes, just so you're forwarned).

And, besides, the remake will have Naomi Watts in it, and anyone who can handle a David Lynch movie can handle this. Although, now that I think about it....Cheryl Lee? Laura Dern? Patricia Arquette?

(If you want to know more about the remake, check out this page. And be scared, damnit! Scared!)


I've been getting back into my general Japanese groove... Throw Battle Royale and Ghost In The Shell on the DVD player, grab Fantastic Plastic Machine and Pizzicato Five for the CD player, snatch Banana Yoshimoto and Haruki Murakami books, wear Uni-Glo leisure pants and eat ramen and miso soup.

Man, I need to start up Japanese language classes again. It's been nearly five years... I barely remember the basics, and it's annoying me.

Like, okay, last night while watching Ring 2. Yoichi kept on talking to Mai and he kept on calling her "oneesan". And the subtitles said "Ms. Takano" whenever he said "oneesan," but I know that's not what he said. But I can't remember if "oneesan" is older sister or aunt.

I think it's older sister. It would make sense. But I can't remember. Which sucks.

I'm guessing this need for Japanese things won't last, however. A few more days and I'll be back in Kylie love and I'll be wanting to wear silver hot pants and glitter makeup all over again.

Trust me, though, I won't. I do have some taste.


Man, Ring 2 scared the crap out of me.

I'm going to go do work and try to forget it.



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