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We're gonna have a TV party tonight...

This is slowly turning out to be an every-other-day thing, and that kinda sucks, because, I swear, I still mean to write in it daily. It's just that, when I get around to writing in it, I'm usually too tired to think of anything.

And I've been really busy this weekend -- busy writing, even. I mean, okay, on Saturday, I spent most of it surrounded by little Buffy ccg cards, but Friday, I wrote a Buffy/Faith story and yesterday I finally finished that strange Cordelia/Transudian Furies story I had running around in my head ever since I saw "That Old Gang Of Mine".

And then, on top of that, I've been obsessively watching first season Angel and trying to get my brain around why, when Doyle appeared on the screen, I really didn't like him anymore.

I think I figured it out, but I'm not sure. See, I think it really boils down to this snippet from "Hero":
Doyle: "Well, if it's a fight they want - can't someone else give it to them? It seems unfair, you know? You gotta save all the helpless types around here and now you've got to fight the apocalypse as well?"
Angel gets up: "It's all the same thing. Fight the good fight - whichever way you can."
Doyle: "Tell you what, you fight - and I'll keep score."

And, watching that episode again, I realized how much more I like the show when the theme isn't "Angel will fight the bad guys and then, damn, there's an apocalypse, and we'll hide while he fights that too", but, instead, "there's something coming, and, damnit, we're screwed up but we'll fight it until the very bloody end -- together or apart."

And that just rocks. And that's why, despite some of its flaws, I'm grooving hardcore on Angel now. A hell of a lot more grooving.

Even with the baby.

I mean, yeah, I can understand why Jen bitches about the baby plotline. If I had seen these episodes after a year of The X-Files's end-fucking-less "Oh Mulder, Oh the baby, Oh Mulder" bullshit, I'd probably be horribly angry and bitter about a baby subplot too. And I can also see how the whole "Darla changes because of her baby and all women really want a baby in the end -- see?" thing is annoying, and, yeah, it got to me too.

But, I don't know. The fact that Darla said "This isn't me, it's causing this" suddenly made everything better.

I think I'm going to write a dead letter from Darla. I just need to figure out what it's going to say.

But, baby aside, still madly madly madly in love with Angel.

And, god, my husband is so going to kill me for this, but...

*deep breath*

I think I even like third season Charisma-style over first season

I mean, okay, when she cuts her hair and goes blonde again, that isn't as good, style-wise. But man that shoulder-length brown? With those really good clothes? She's a fucking goddess!

I think that third season Angel is a lot like third season Buffy: Everybody bitches and moans about how bad it is and how the show's gone down and how everyone just isn't caring about it anymore blah blah blah I'm a bitter whining pathetic fan-cakes, and then...watching it around a year later, people realize how fucking great it is and how good everyone looked and how it just kicks ass.

Mark my words. Indeed.

I watched a lot of Smallville yesterday too -- well, I watched two episodes. Which feels like a lot for me because there's only so much I can take of Clark Kent and his big anime eyes and Lex Luthor and his "Oh, I'm so mysterious -- I have a past and hidden motives". And the every five second reference to something in the DC universe. "Clark Kent, investigative reporter, who would have thought?" "How can two friends turn into such enemies?"

Yeah, it might seem really witty and amusing when you're writing it down, but, um, it isn't. Really.

And I'm also discovering that Clark and Lex together really bores me. To tears, even. Which means that there goes 90% of the fandom right there, huh?

However, Lana Lang running a business -- that's still interesting me. And I don't know why. It's giving me terrible fic ideas, though. Lana going off to a fancy boarding school for a spring break-long conference for young businesswomen and running into Liz Parker and then it's attack of the extreme yeaaah...

More TV stuff:

24! Why didn't anybody tell me about this show? It fucking knocks me sideways every week! The tension is killing me! It's sheer willpower alone that I have fingernails! I can even handle having Richard Burgi in every episode! (Although, admittedly, I do end up snickering and going "Dude, it's the Sentinel. Look!" at least once. But not as much as I would if the show was bad.)

CSI/Law & Order back to back! It's crack! It's crime crack! It's addictive as all fuck and I end up positively in love with both shows every Saturday, even if it just involves me yelling "Jack McCoy, you're a bastard! Go Jack! You pig! Woo!" and "Gil! Gil! Pithy! Yay!"

Because, hello, I have regressed to a 13-year-old teenybopper. As we may have guessed.

It could be worse, I guess. I could be attempting to figure out the scary world of Holby City instead of just occasionally watching it for the pretty David Paisley.

And, man, what a completely brainless entry. Sorry!

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