ass-lazy tropicana of the mind
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Sugar rushes and office furniture

I got a package from my dad today. It's my birthday present -- a month late, but that's okay, because a month ago he couldn't've gotten the most wonderful thing in the universe --

Star Wars: Episode II breakfast cereal.

It's like Lucky Charms, just with marshmellow Yodas and light sabers instead of, y'know, purple horseshoes and green clovers.

It's crack. I ended up eating two bowls because I was starving and then I spent the rest of the day practically shaking in a sugar rush.

So good. So wrong and yet so very good.

So it was no surprise that when my coworker looked up at me from his desk (which is right next to mine -- as you can see here:

how it was

Anyways, he looked up at me and said "Hey, y'know how we were talking before about moving around?"

I blinked, twitched a little in a sugar rush and went "Yeah?"

"Wanna do that?"

I paused. I twitched some more. I said "Sure!"

So we spent the morning moving things around. I discovered that I have the most random crap you could possibly have -- stuffed toy monkeys, tiny pepsi cans, hand lotion, nail polish remover, origami cranes, god the sheer amount of crap I have and keep saying that I desperately need.

I left all my kinder surprise toys on the bookcase. When we moved the computers, it meant I couldn't see them, so now I just know things will happen to them.

I did move all my lizardmen though. I'm a little partial to them.

So now we're like this:

how it is

Such a big change, huh?

Well, actually, it is, because now I don't need to email the two content guys about the layout of pages, I can just slap one on the back of his head and then talk to the other one. And also now my boss and I won't be shouting at each other from across the room.

So it's actually not bad. Although I feel a bit weird being in the center -- for one thing, my little corner space made me feel a bit more private -- sort of sequestered away with my stuff. And, now, I feel like more of my stuff will be on display.

For all I know, people have been getting into my Star Wars cereal over the weekend. The bitches.

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designed february 2002 by kate bolin, design. space provided by diaryland. looks best in ie5+ on a macintosh, but that's unsurprising, isn't it?