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All about my lizardmen...

Spent tonight painting my lizardmen, which is just fun.

Even though everyone else at the "studio painting night" was busy playing the company's collectible card game, I was painting my lizardmen.

Teeny tiny little skinks with teeny tiny little quivers and bows and knives and bracelets, teeny tiny loincloths and crests that need to be painted.

It's fun. it's very soothing, even when I'm sitting there bitching because I can't figure out a color scheme that's a decent enough variant from the first.

See, the first regiment of skinks I did, they're sea green with a dark green inkwash. Then I did the crests with neon green and then added the dark green inkwash over that. Their arrows are red and their bows are dark brown. They look really good, but they're kinda dark. Camouflage skinks for deep jungle penetration.

These, however, because I wanted something different, have a more primary color scheme to them. They're goblin green (which is a very avocado green -- slightly lighter than guacamole but without the tasty goodness to it) with a green ink wash over them to bring out some detail. It makes them very bright with just the right amount of gloss to them to make them more aquatic looking. Then their crests are blood red with flesh wash over it, so they really stand out. The quivers are bestial brown with flesh wash, the daggers on some of them are mithril silver, and the arrows are regal blue with a green ink wash. It's all very bright and colorful, which works really well with these guys.

Especially since I'm supposed to have with them a special character -- this special skink which has a red crest (and it is obvious I can't remember his name?). They'll be great for the front of the line, because they're loud and shiny and everything, which is cool.

My first regiment of saurus are very ordinary looking. Well, I like them, but they are rather bland. If I put them against the scary green flock paper that's the standard terrain for the game, they'll just disappear.

They do look really nice though. I painted them camo green then very lightly put dark green ink over it. After that, I drybrushed the scales camo green, so they just really look camo green with a hint of a darker green there.

They have various weapons, all of which are painted different colors. The axes and knife-like things are painted like stone (dark grey with black ink over it) and then the scythe sword things are gold. I did that because, well, lizardmen are generally based on south american civilizations, and with the abundance of gold but the general lack of ironwork, they tended to make items out of stone and gold -- so it makes sense that they'd have gold swords.

Of course, they wouldn't be that effective in battle, but, hey, this is a fantasy game, right?

After I finish these guys, I think I have enough to really start playing -- I haven't yet because I don't feel like I have enough. But three regiments, one stegadon...that ought to be enough. I want some kroxigors and a couple more terradons and maybe another stegadon, just because they're cool.

But I'm working on it. Of course, by the time I'm done, they will have rewritten the book and made twenty million new miniatures, but it's a start, right?

(oh, and later on, I will add links to paint colors -- I just can't remember them all and it's easier to do it at work where I have my lizardmen, my paints, and my HTML for little pop-up windows to paint colors. Yes, damnit, I can link to them, I made them.)

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